Melewati Batas Kompilasi

1. Kaca Mata - Entah
2. Peploop Bumper - School Sick Attack
3. Emotion Sicknes - Obsesi Penuh Ironi
4. Sunday With My Girlfriend - 26 April
5. hollan Marista - Imsomnia
6. Fuddy Wuddy - The Rule is No Rules
7. Screamble of the discover - Rasakan Apa Yang Ku Rasa
8.Real Story - Story Hati
9. Fist Date - Terkekang
10. My GoodBye - Tanpa Kau DIsana
11. Dropdancehusky - hancurkan Aku
12. Miracle - Open Your Heart
13. False Lubby - G.I.T.A
14. Stuart Little - Kehancuran
15. Forgetful Memories - Maybe Someday

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